
Baggage and extra weight

Please note that the checked baggage according to international rules must not weigh more than 32kg. per. suitcase, whether you choose to pay for over weight or to share trunk with a fellow traveler.

If you need extra luggage due to your disability, You can free, get extra baggage with. Contact us in good time before departure, and please let us know what the trunk contains and weights & measures, so we make sure to get your extra luggage approved. However, there may be a fee on the transfer. Most minibuses and lift buses lay down their price, by reference to, that each person max. bring a paragraph. suitcase.

Luggage brands

If you want luggage brands are currently set up stands in all airports, where you can take the free luggage brands you need. However, we strongly recommend that you always have baggage identification tag on your suitcase--either a fixed suspended brand, or a paper disposable brand, You can get at the airport.